November 5, 2012 | Human Resources
The Benefits of a Career in Manufacturing
Written by: Emily Carter
The manufacturing sector is the cornerstone of the U.S. economy. Manufacturing firms fund most of our domestic corporate R & D, and the resulting innovations and growth in productivity ultimately improve our standard of living. Manufacturing drives exports and the industry plays an important part in national defense.
Recently, the economic recovery has shown a return in manufacturing job growth. Manufacturing employment has expanded by 4 percent from January 2010 until April 2012, making it the strongest cyclical rebound since the early 1980s.
Manufacturing jobs are not only becoming more prominent, but also beneficial. Having a manufacturing career has its advantages including:
- High hourly wages – The average hourly wage and salary for manufacturing jobs in 2010 was $29.75. Total hourly compensation, which includes employer-provided benefits, was at a 17 percent premium over workers in non-manufacturing jobs. Workers in manufacturing tend to earn 7 percent more per hour than their counterparts in other industries.
- Highly-valued benefits – Manufacturing workers are more likely than any other workers to have significant employer-provided benefits. This includes medical insurance and retirement packages.
- Working for an innovative industry – Manufacturing workers are catalysts for innovation and often have skills and experience in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) industries. Nearly one-third of college educated manufacturing employees hold a STEM job.
- Manufacturing workers are educated professionals – The educational attainment within the manufacturing industry is on the rise. In 2012, over 50 percent of manufacturing jobs are held by those with some level of college education.
In the coming years, Baby Boomers will be retiring and allowing continued hiring opportunities in the manufacturing sector. Additionally, the number of job openings surged by over 200 percent from mid-2009 through the end of February 2012. The benefits of working in the manufacturing industry paired with the availability of these jobs provide job seekers with an opportunity to excel.
CMTC can help manufacturers locate hard to find skilled workers and provide training to build the foundation for a high performing team. Read more about CMTC's recruitment solutions here.