Manufacturing Day offers small and medium-sized manufacturers the opportunity to showcase their products and capabilities to both students and the general public. In California, where manufacturing fuels the economic engine, we proudly celebrate Manufacturing Month CA. Learn more about these initiatives and how to get involved below!

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What Is National Manufacturing Day?

National Manufacturing Day, an annual event that launches on the first Friday of every October, is an occasion during which manufacturers open their doors, showcase the potential of modern manufacturing, and foster interest in manufacturing careers.

The manufacturing industry needs today's STEM graduates at the high school, community college, and university level to enter the manufacturing careers and fuel innovations in American manufacturing. With a number of skilled laborers retiring, there will be more jobs than workers in manufacturing. Manufacturing is a key wealth generator in our economy and is critical to our long-term economic and national security. 

That’s how Manufacturing Day began; first launched in 2012 when Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey proclaimed the first official Day, President Barack Obama later signed the first presidential proclamation in 2014 recognizing the Day and its initiatives. 

Many large organizations that support manufacturing and advocate for the industry have since gotten involved, such as the National Association of Manufacturers, The Manufacturing Institute, The Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program, and Society of Manufacturing Engineers, and numerous more.

What Is Manufacturing Month CA?

Manufacturing Day 2021 will officially be observed on Friday, October 1st, but since manufacturing in California is too big for a single day, we celebrate MFG Month CA! Manufacturing Month events typically include in-person plant tours; however, due to the continued effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, MFG Month CA is incorporating both in-person and virtual events this year. The benefit of virtual events is the increased capacity for interested participants as well as the ability to re-purpose and repackage the content since many operations have transitioned to a digital platform. 

manufacturing facility tour

What Is the Mission of National Manufacturing Day and Manufacturing Month CA?

In order to further expand on National Manufacturing Day, CMTC has created Manufacturing Month CA to encompass the wide range of manufacturing activities throughout the month of October.

National Manufacturing Day addresses common misperceptions about manufacturing by giving manufacturers the opportunity to open their doors and show what manufacturing is — and what it isn’t. The image that many have of manufacturing facilities, and jobs, is of dirty, hot, grimey workplaces where workers are doing low-skilled, low-tech and unfulfilling tasks. The truth about modern manufacturing is that the factory floor is a clean, often high-tech environment where engaged workers are doing their part to make cool, useful stuff!

By working together during and after MFG DAY, manufacturers will begin to address the skilled labor shortage they face, connect with future generations, take charge of the public image of manufacturing, and ensure the ongoing prosperity of the whole industry.

With the mission of further adding to those goals, Manufacturing Month CA is designed to amplify the voice of individual manufacturers in California and coordinate a collective chorus of manufacturers with common concerns and challenges. The rallying point for a growing mass movement, Manufacturing Month CA empowers manufacturers to come together to address their collective challenges so they can help their communities and future generations thrive. 

Manufacturing Month California 2021 Events

This whole month is full of events and opportunities to connect with manufacturers in California - below is a sampling of a few; register for any of the below events here.

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October 1

Careers in Biomanufacturing | Thermo Fisher Scientific: Join us for an opportunity to learn from Thermo Fisher Scientific successful professionals. You will learn about their stories and career paths. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions during the Q&A section.

Manufacturing Foundry Tour: APROE & Swope Design Solutions - MFG Week | City of San Francisco & SFMade: Join us for a tour of two neighboring advanced manufacturers located in the Manufacturing Foundry at 150 Hooper St!

Technical Employment Training: Manufacturing Day Open House: TET will be hosting an open house at our San Bernardino training facility. Come see first hand techniques and training tips for in demand jobs within the manufacturing industry. Lunch will be offered between the hours of 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.

2021 SME Manufacturing Expo | Sac Valley SME: Our expo is one of a kind. We believe the key to manufacturing excellence is through networking, facilitating regional commerce, and supporting industry trends and standards. There’s something for everyone to learn, discover, and enjoy. Join us at this year's expo and start connecting with industry experts and businesses just like yours.

Facility Tour Expo | Rock West Composites: Come explore the world of composite manufacturing with us! You're invited to attend an in-person tour of our manufacturing plant. Planned activities include a tour of our facility, equipment and product demonstrations, and light snacks.

Discovered in Berkeley MFG Week 2021 Promotion | City of Berkeley: The City of Berkeley Office of Economic Development (OED) will sponsor an article in Berkeleyside on Manufacturing Day 2021 to celebrate how Berkeley producers transform natural materials into high-quality, upscale goods. 6 West Berkeley businesses will be featured and the article will run under the umbrella of the City's #DiscoveredinBerkeley campaign, designed to inspire pride among Berkeley's residents and business owners about the incredible businesses you can find in Berkeley.

Supply Chain Industry Intro with Production/Fulfillment Center Virtual Tour | ALOM: Producing, storing, assembling and shipping products and materials so that store shelves are stocked, e-commerce orders fulfilled, and assembly lines moving at full speed is the art of supply chain. Join us on a 60-minute virtual video tour of our Fremont, CA headquarters to see a world-class supply chain operation in action.

Bay Area MFG Week Keynote: Equitable Job Creation for Manufacturing’s Future | BAUM: To kick off Bay Area MFG Week 2021, the Bay Area Urban Manufacturing Initiative is hosting a panel of sector leaders to discuss manufacturing workforce development strategies that connect communities, particularly those of color, to manufacturing jobs.

October 2

Livermore Valley Made Launch Popup | City of Livermore and Livermore Downtown Inc.: This event is a celebration of local makers, artisans, and the creative community in the Livermore Valley. 

Science @ Stockmen's Park | City of Livermore and Quest Science Center: Experience the engineering design cycle as you create rockets, boats, bridges, catapults, and more! There will be challenges for aspiring engineers of all ages and experiences.

October 5

Global Shifts, Local Shape: Remaking Manufacturing for the COVID Era - MFG Week Panel | City of San Francisco & SFMade: Join us for a conversation about the changes the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the local manufacturing sector with four of San Francisco’s leading manufacturing companies. You will hear from manufacturers in four industries – food, ceramics, electronics, and apparel - about the similar challenges they’ve faced and the changes they have made to meet them.

AIC Factory Tour: Daily Driver bagels and Magnolia Brewing Co! - MFG Week | City of San Francisco & SFMade: Visit two neighboring Dogpatch manufacturers making delicious products! This fast-paced tour will start with a tour of the American Industrial Center (AIC), a former cannery in the heart of the Dogpatch, today a large industrial building housing hundreds of manufacturers, makers, and creatives. We will then visit the creamery & bagel house, Daily Driver, and taste test some of their bagels and cheese, and finish with a tour of Magnolia Brewing Co and a tasting of their beers!

The Rare Barrel - Berkeley Brewery Tour | City of Berkeley: This tour is a chance to visit an innovative Berkeley brewery known for their barrel-aged sour beers. There will be a demonstration of their manufacturing process as well as tastings of The Rare Barrel's sour beers and their new product line, HelloFriend.

Manufacturing Week - Live College Panel | Vital Link: Participants will learn the tools and skills needed to be successful in their career and education pathways. Students will have behind-the-scenes access to explore the day-to-day life within the world of manufacturing through virtual college and business tours.

October 6

Artworks Foundry Tours in Berkeley | City of Berkeley: A great opportunity to learn about a unique type of manufacturing in Berkeley. The tour will show how artists use this decades-old Berkeley foundry for lost wax casting to create beautiful bronze sculptures.

Manufacturing Hiring Fair | City of San Francisco & SFMade: Join us for an in-person hiring fair featuring a host of employers with special focus on advanced manufacturers.

Meet Your Local Manufacturer | City of Santa Rosa: The Manufacturer will provide an overview of their operation, success, challenges and workforce.

Manufacturing Week - Live Industry Panel | Vital Link: Participants will learn the tools and skills needed to be successful in their career and education pathways. Students will have behind-the-scenes access to explore the day-to-day life within the world of manufacturing through virtual college and business tours.

October 7

Silicon Valley Manufacturing Roundtable | City of San Jose: This roundtable discussion will give San Jose Manufacturers a platform to share their views on what Sustainability means to them and how they engage with it in their business.

Where Smarts Meets Parts - Milpitas Panel Discussion | City of Miliptas and Milpitas Unified School District: The City of Milpitas Office of Economic Development is excited to present the 5th Annual Manufacturing Day event. This year's virtual panel discussion will center on workforce development, lessons learned from COVID-19, and how to encourage more women to explore careers in manufacturing.

Galanter & Jones Factory Tour - MFG Week | City of San Francisco & SFMade: Come visit Galanter & Jones' workshop in San Francisco's Bayview and see how the world's finest heated furniture is made! Join us for a behind-the-scenes tour of Galanter & Jones' studio. Company owner Aaron Jones will lead the tour; he will show us how his outdoor heated furniture is made and tell us about his company.

October 8

Gilman District Wineries Tour | City of Berkeley: Learn more about how wine is made in Berkeley through a tour of three wineries in Berkeley’s Gilman District: Covenant Wines, Hammerling Wines, and Donkey & Goat Winery. You’ll get to hear from winemakers, see their manufacturing process and can stay for tastings afterwards.

tour manufacturing facilities

October 14

Supply Chain + Operations Forum | Naturally San Diego: Join us for our very first Naturally San Diego Supply Chain/Operations Forum! We will be discussing ingredient sourcing post-COVID. The discussion will be led by John Hommeyer, CEO of Bitchin' Sauce, and Mike Noonan, COO of Bitchin' Sauce. This event will be much more of a discussion with attendees rather than a moderated chat.

October 18

Machine Shop Job Fair | Benda Tool & Model Works, Inc.: Tour our facilities. Explore the various positions we have to offer and get a hands-on idea of what it is like to work in a productive, first-class machine shop.

October 21

6th Annual Valley Made Manufacturing Summit | San Joaquin Valley Manufacturing Alliance: The Valley Made Manufacturing Summit is an annual conference for the San Joaquin Valley’s $15 billion manufacturing industry, hosted by the San Joaquin Valley Manufacturing Alliance. Attendees learn from major industry leaders and innovators, and build valuable relationships to enhance global competitiveness while celebrating its thriving business community.

Get Involved in Manufacturing Month

Join the many manufacturers across California as they showcase what modern manufacturing looks like and inspire the next generation of skilled workers.

This year, the official date for MFG Day is October 1, but any day can be MFG Day. How you participate needs to work for you, so feel free to choose when you host your event!

What requirements does your event need to meet in order to be an official MFG Day event?

  • Must consist of a tour of a manufacturing facility, office, innovation center or other site; other creative student-invite type of event at a manufacturing or manufacturing-supporting site (e.g., design office, software company); school event about manufacturing; manufacturing-related jobs fair; manufacturing-related career day event; or manufacturing product expo or similar event
  • Must be open to students, parents and/or educators

Explore resources to learn more about hosting an event virtually or in-person. Registered events are reviewed for completeness and are generally made public within 24 hours after registrations are submitted.

CMTC is a private nonprofit organization that provides technical assistance, workforce development, and consulting services to small- and medium-sized manufacturers throughout the state of California. CMTC's mission is to serve as a trusted advisor, providing solutions that increase the productivity and competitiveness of California's manufacturers. CMTC operates under a cooperative agreement for the state of California with the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program (MEP) at the National Institutes of Standards and Technology within the Department of Commerce. For more information about CMTC please visit For more information about the MEP National Network, or to find your local MEP center visit

About the Author

Gregg Profozich

Gregg Profozich is a manufacturing, operations and technology executive who believes that manufacturing is the key creator of wealth in the economy and that a strong manufacturing sector is critical to our nation’s prosperity and security now, and for future generations. Across his 20-year plus career in manufacturing, operations and technology consulting, Mr. Profozich helped manufacturing companies from the Fortune 500 to the small, independents significantly improve their productivity and competitiveness.

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