February 26, 2015 | Business Growth Strategy & Strategic Planning
How To: Target & Eliminate Company Problems
Running a successful manufacturing company in the country’s largest state for the industry’s careers is no easy task, by any means. Like any business, there are ups and downs, both black and red quarters and a number of challenges that must be addressed every week.
From the tricky idiosyncrasies of your website’s coding to faults in production to hiring the right staff, troubleshooting is bound to be necessary. Although it may be hard to believe, many companies get it wrong when attempting to rectify a problem by solving an issue’s symptom, rather than its root.
Naturally, the failed attempts can take a toll on employee morale, sales, self-confidence and even the trust of the clients you’ve worked so hard to earn. We’ve outlined a few techniques that will expedite your problem-solving process to ensure top-tier performance while limiting distractions from negatively affecting your firm.
Identify the ROOT of the Problem
This is of the utmost importance. How many times have you heard “admitting that you have a problem is the first step”? That’s because it’s true! Denial will only prolong the problem. Once that’s out the way, it’s imperative you find the source of the problem.
When you have an ant infestation on your lawn, you don’t take out every ant individually -- you go to the source. The same goes for doctors — they don’t treat the symptoms, they treat the root of your sickness. You should approach your business problems the same way.
If clients keep calling for repairs, there can be several possibilities as to WHY. Perhaps it’s the installation team’s fault. Maybe there’s a defect in the parts. OR maybe the problem indicates a larger issue like infrastructure or the quality of working pieces.
Continue Asking “Why?”
Like an inquisitive child thirsty for knowledge, repeatingly asking “why?” will eventually lead to an answer.If your problem is company losses, see if it’s internal or external. Look into your competitors’ prices, the overall economy, changes to your clients’ income and so forth.
Although this may seem tedious, the payoff is bound to be worth all the trouble. Asking pesky questions to your staff is a small price to pay to improve the functionality of your business for the longterm.
Eliminate the Possibility of It Happening Again
When you find your long-term solution, your next priority should be to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Alert your supervisors and staff of your recent discovery and set up a meeting to brainstorm how to quell this problem permanently.
A solid group discussion will breed fresh ideas that can be tested and eventually implemented to prevent similar problems from controlling your business and not the other way around.
Don’t Be Afraid of Change
If your issue isn’t a quick-fix, then additional strategies may have to be put into action to reach a solution. Sometimes the root of your problem may be hidden deep in the framework of your business model.
Other times, it may be an issue that's out of your control (i.e. weather, economy, recalls, etc.). In these cases, you may have to create preventive measures to act as a defense from unpredictable circumstances.
Every business is different, but each one faces its fair share of dilemmas. To enhance your productivity and limit time wasted, change is necessary to keep your company on your toes and sharpen your problem-solving skills.
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