Jensen Precast

Jensen Precast, located in Fontana, CA, has approximately 200 employees on a 40-acre site. The company designs and manufactures standard and custom precast products to meet large-scale concrete infrastructure demands for highway construction, retaining walls, underground electric and gas utility service chambers, telecommunications, water, onsite wastewater, sewage and fuel handling and storage applications.


Jensen significantly expanded their current plans with starting a recycling program to reduce landfill costs and improve recycling, including sources for several items that were not recycled previously. It involved reducing hazardous chemicals in cleaning waste water along with related removal, handling, transport and disposal costs for the sludge. Jensen also decreased their energy costs.


Jensen management elected to participate in the Green Supplier Network (GSN) program after considering the benefits because the Fontana facility is a key supplier to several California utility companies. The program included a site tour, mapping key manufacturing processes, environmental assessment, energy use evaluation and a benchmark report. CMTC observed facilities and production operations, interviewed key managers and requested information on energy use, production and waste streams. All departments developed a current state and potential future state of a Value Stream Map and completed an energy audit and environmental assessment.

The project resulted in 14 recommended improvement projects to improve environmental performance, increase competitiveness and profits, as well as several key energy and environmental recommendations.

"The savings were easy - once we knew what to do - and provided amazing return on investment."

Fred Franks General Manager Jensen Precast

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