A Closer Look at ISO 13485 for Medical Device & Equipment Manufacturing

The medical device manufacturing industry is full of regulations. Governments and regulatory bodies worldwide (such as the FDA) have input on the devices that save lives and ...

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4 Ways to Optimize Sales & Marketing for Business Growth

It’s no secret that California’s manufacturers face unique challenges that require tailored approaches to stand out in the market. Whether it’s product and service ...

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Upskilling California’s Workforce: Turnkey Access To Training Funding To Benefit Your Team

Did you know that the State of California offers a number of incentives and resources to support CA manufacturers with job skills training? The Employment Training Panel (ETP), a ...

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2024 Employment Law Update: New Compliance Obligations for CA Employers

In California, labor laws constantly change and evolve with each passing year. While these updates ultimately help to address emerging workplace issues and enhance employee ...

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3 Ways Manufacturers Can Optimize Cash Flow

Manufacturers know that managing cash flow can often feel like navigating a relentless tide. Balancing between incoming revenues and outgoing expenses requires both skill and ...

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Navigating Production Planning for Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturers

Small and medium-sized manufacturers with successful supply chains rely heavily on robust production planning. Optimizing the production plan, which takes into account the ...

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Build Resiliency With Supply Chain Planning

Global supply chains have faced significant disruptions in recent years. In fact, over 30% of global retailers experienced pandemic-related challenges, resulting in financial loss ...

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What You Need to Know About the Corporate Transparency Act

Enacted by Congress in 2021 as part of the National Defense Authorization Act, the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) aims to mitigate money laundering, tax fraud, and other illicit ...

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Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing

As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have become more widespread and accessible, manufacturers have become increasingly interested in this new capacity to ...

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7 Elements of a Strategic Business Plan

Creating a strategic plan is as much of an art form as it is a scientific process. A great strategic plan addresses the fears of organizational members while simultaneously ...

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Attracting High-Quality Workers with Higher Quality Jobs

Manufacturers rely on a skilled workforce to implement, oversee, and improve their manufacturing processes. With millions of manufacturing jobs going unfilled each year, small and ...

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9 Tips to Adopting Smart Manufacturing Technologies

Smart Manufacturing technologies are not just shaping the future; they're redefining the here and now. From the precision of sensor technologies to the intelligence of data-driven ...

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How to Find and Retain Skilled Aerospace & Defense Workers

The aerospace and defense sector — a hub of engineering prowess and innovation — is a cornerstone of California’s manufacturing landscape. More than most other industries, ...

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Current State of the Global Food Supply Chain

The global food supply chain is the unseen undercurrent of the world economy. This logistical marvel connects farmers, distributors, retailers, and consumers in a complex, ...

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What is Zero Clear All About?

In the digital landscape, outsiders aren't just trying to listen in on your data; they're actively attempting to harvest it anytime it’s sent out. And this goes beyond the ...

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Managing the Cyber Security Practices of IT Providers

The increased integration of technology into production processes and equipment have forged new efficiencies and operational capabilities in today's manufacturing landscape. Yet, ...

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Exploring Ransomware Prevention and Recovery

In the world of modern manufacturing, the convergence of technology and production has opened new frontiers of efficiency and innovation. But this progress has come with a hidden ...

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How to Navigate Cal/OSHA Regulations

In the Golden State, workplace safety within the manufacturing industry isn’t just a moral obligation but a legal imperative. A preventable workplace injury — or, even worse, a ...

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The Do's and Don'ts of Supply Chain Diversification

The reliability of global supply chains has recently come under fire after global events exposed underlying vulnerabilities in the global logistics system. These events sparked a ...

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Relationship Management Up & Down the Supply Chain

Modern supply chains are somewhat like Rube Goldberg machines — incredibly, often unnecessarily complicated, interconnected systems where a single disruption can trigger a chain ...

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Managing Risk to Build Resilient Supply Chains

In the early ‘90s, American manufacturers began transitioning to a global supply chain model. This shift resulted in the movement of manufacturing facilities off shore in search ...

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Employment Law & Regulatory Changes Impacting Manufacturers in CA

California has comprehensive employment laws and regulations, many of which diverge from federal law quite notably. As a result, manufacturers operating in California must stay ...

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What Is an IT Strategy and Why Do Manufacturers Need One?

In today's digital age, it’s imperative for manufacturers to have an IT strategy to remain competitive. An IT strategy outlines how a company can leverage technology to attain its ...

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Identifying and Eliminating the 8 Forms of Waste in Manufacturing

Continuous improvement and customer-first approaches such as Lean methodology can offer a critical advantage to small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) competing in the global ...

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Effective Succession Planning for Seamless Transitions

Succession planning is a vital aspect for manufacturers looking to secure their future and manage workforce changes efficiently. Retirements, resignations, and terminations are a ...

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How to Perform a Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Action

It's not uncommon for manufacturers to run into issues with quality or other types of non-conformances. What they do next determines how effectively they can overcome that ...

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How to Create a Lean Culture

Lean manufacturing is much more than a collection of tools. Operating a truly Lean facility requires a Lean mindset, which is only achieved by developing a Lean culture. In this ...

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What Is the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)?

In the 1990s and early 2000s, the United States experienced a series of high-profile foodborne illness outbreaks. These incidents posed a significant public health risk and ...

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How To Create an Employee Handbook

An employee handbook is an essential resource for employees and business owners alike. An employee handbook not only outlines employer and employee responsibilities, but it also ...

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Workplace Harassment Avoidance Training For Manufacturers

Among their legal and compliance obligations, California's small and medium-sized manufacturers must conduct periodic harassment avoidance training for their employees. While they ...

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How To Create an Effective Business Continuity Plan

California businesses are no stranger to disruptive events, be it a natural disaster or human-initiated incident (e.g., cyberattack). California has made more disaster ...

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5 Statistics That Show California Manufacturing is Alive and Well

The pandemic's impact on labor and supply chains contributed to the false notion that California‘s manufacturing industry is declining, but the Golden State’s output has exceeded ...

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How To Find, Bid, and Win Government Manufacturing Contracts

Small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) can seek government contracts for stable revenue and growth opportunities. However, the government contract application process often ...

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How to Apply for (Almost) Any U.S. Manufacturing Grant

A significant amount of funding for small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) in the U.S. comes from grants, loans, and private funders. Every year, about $500 billion in U.S. ...

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Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award: Unlock Continuous Improvement

The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) aims to improve quality management — along with overall business efficiency and performance — across all industries in the ...

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Intro to ISO 13485 for Medical Device Manufacturers

To truly succeed at regulatory compliance and become a player in national and international markets, organizations must invest in implementing leading quality, safety, and ...

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Intro to the AS9100 Standard

If you’re a small or medium-sized manufacturer (SMM) working in the aviation, aerospace, or defense industry — or if you’re planning on breaking into this sector — it can be ...

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How to Implement a QMS in Your Organization

Producing high-quality products your customers can depend on is the best way to achieve customer satisfaction and drive sales for manufacturing organizations. However, it takes ...

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Developing a Manufacturing Workplace Safety Plan

Maintaining a safe workplace is part and parcel of running an efficient manufacturing business. No matter the size of your company or the scale of your operations, protecting the ...

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3 Proactive Cybersecurity Measures for Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturers

A shocking number of nationwide businesses targeted by cybercrime each year are small businesses. According to Verizon, nearly half of all recorded data breaches in 2021 impacted ...

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Safety Gemba Walk for Manufacturing

A Safety Gemba Walk can help manufacturing companies run more smoothly, efficiently, and safely while building the entire team's trust in the organization. In this blog, we’ll ...

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Safety Meeting Basics for Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturers

Whether you are tasked with managing a small or medium-sized manufacturing facility or own one, safety must always be one of your highest priorities. While there are many ways to ...

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Strategic Planning Basics for SMMs: Definition, Purpose, and Steps

Strategic planning, budgeting, and forecasting are integral to the success of small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs). However, these activities can get overlooked, as leaders ...

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Supply Chain Management: Intro to Supplier Sourcing for California Manufacturers

Due in large part to global supply chain disruptions, many small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) are experiencing difficulties securing supplies of essential products needed ...

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Safety Meeting Topics for Manufacturing

In 2020, the Bureau for Labor Statistics (BLS) estimated that of the 4,764 fatalities that occurred on the job, 340 of them were in the manufacturing industry. In 2019, 395,300 of ...

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How Company Culture Impacts Employee Retention in Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry is having a particularly challenging time finding and retaining skilled workers. Global pandemic burnout and the Great Resignation have led to ...

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What Is Benchmarking? (and How It Benefits Your Manufacturing Operations)

Continuous improvement is an essential part of staying competitive in the global marketplace; it entails regularly seeking new ways to be efficient in your operations while ...

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Using the Cost of Quality to Guide Manufacturing Improvements

Delivering high-quality products and experiences for your customers is usually the top priority for manufacturers. But how can you improve your operations to deliver better ...

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Bridging the Skills Gap: The Importance of Workforce Development

Small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) are under constant pressure to address tomorrow’s challenges today. To keep up and stay ahead of their competition, they need to ensure ...

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How Small Manufacturers Can Develop Risk Management Strategies for Supply Chains

The COVID-19 pandemic brought to light a stark reality about current supply chains. As Nissan Motor Co.’s Chief Operating Officer Ashwani Gupta points out, “The just-in-time model ...

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Is Your Manufacturing Website ADA Compliant?

As the world becomes ever more virtual and commerce is tailored for the Internet, it’s important that your manufacturing website be accessible by everyone, including individuals ...

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2021 Made in California Gift Guide

Did you know that small businesses generate $68 of local economic return for every $100 spent with them? That’s a huge impact in your community and can make a tremendous ...

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Top OSHA Safety Issues for Manufacturers: Proper Lockout/Tagout

By the 1960s, 14,000 workers died every year—or about 38 each day—and more than 2.2 million workers were not able to work from injuries and illnesses. In 2018, the Bureau of Labor ...

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How to Make an HACCP Plan to Prevent Safety Hazards and Recalls

If your food manufacturing plant has to issue a product recall, many people might take to social media to vent their frustrations, resulting in a public backlash that can damage ...

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Everything You Need to Know About Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2021

There has been a 24% increase in the number of data breaches caused by malicious attacks since 2014. As cybercriminals continue to sharpen their hacking capabilities, it’s ...

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Can Manufacturing Robotics Increase Employee Safety?

Utilizing robots in manufacturing facilities has been a much-debated topic of increasing importance over the last decade. As robotics continue to be incorporated in the ...

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Top 5 Uses for Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace and Defense Industries

Additive manufacturing can be used in countless industries and applications, ranging from making small-scale prototypes to producing refined rocket engines. If you’re still on the ...

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How to Implement a Manufacturing Apprenticeship Program

Apprenticeships have a proven track record of producing strong results for both employers and workers. Apprenticeship programs offer access to hundreds of occupations, in ...

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How to Navigate the Top Manufacturing Challenges Facing Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturers

Managing and growing a small or medium-sized manufacturing organization involves multiple factors that don’t always come easily or work out smoothly. These common challenges range ...

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Celebrating Manufacturing Month CA 2021

Manufacturing Day offers small and medium-sized manufacturers the opportunity to showcase their products and capabilities to both students and the general public. In California, ...

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The Best Manufacturing Grants and Funding Opportunities in California to Support Your Growth Goals

Did you know that California is #1 in manufacturing output, business, and employment in the US? By setting a standard of excellence in the country, there are organizations and ...

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The Importance of Workers’ Compensation & Risk Management Programs for Manufacturers

Controlling workers’ compensation costs begins at the top; manufacturers are wise to treat workers’ compensation costs as a controllable expense that is managed with prevention, ...

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Quality Foundations Every Manufacturer Should Know

Whether you’re a seasoned manufacturer or looking to start your own organization, there are certain quality foundations that you should know. Such foundations are essential for ...

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The Importance of Manufacturing Virtual Trade Shows and Events

The manufacturing industry had to go digital in more ways than one due to the pandemic; this rapid shift to virtual life demonstrated the importance of virtual manufacturing trade ...

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The Benefits of Adopting a Continuous Improvement Approach

Imagine a workplace where productivity was constantly optimized, innovation was always pursued, and new opportunities were frequently discovered! This method of constant ...

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Top 10 Methods for Reducing Labor Costs

Labor costs are often one of the largest line items on your company balance sheet. Therefore, a successful cost reduction strategy must adequately balance resourcing and cost ...

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Practical Tips for Maintaining HR Compliance & Workforce Engagement

As the saying goes, your employees are your most valuable assets. As such, your manufacturing business needs to properly support them across all phases of their tenure with your ...

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How to Use ISO 9004 to Improve Your Manufacturing Operation

The ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is an independent, non-governmental, international organization that develops standards to ensure the quality, safety, and ...

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How to Survive & Thrive in a Virtual Selling World

The year 2020 disrupted almost every aspect of “normal” life - including how consumers and businesses engage with each other. With global stay-at-home orders, the internet and ...

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Evolve Your Supply Chain Management to Be More Strategic

The pandemic sent numerous shock waves through the world of small and medium- sized manufacturers (SMMs), and perhaps the most lasting have been disruptions and changes in the ...

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Top Challenges and Solutions for Furniture Manufacturers

Furniture manufacturers in California and abroad need to be aware of emerging trends that are shaping a new furniture industry landscape in order to take advantage of these ...

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Optimizing Manufacturing Operations on Your Shop Floor

A typical manufacturing process involves numerous moving pieces that each play an important role in your organization’s overall success. Understanding each of these components ...

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Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Root Causes and Corrective Action Processes (RCCA)

If your manufacturing company develops a problem along the way with one of your processes, how do you resolve it? While the shortcut option is to simply patch up the symptoms of ...

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How Outsourced Recruitment Services Can Benefit Your Manufacturing Business

As the U.S currently enjoys the most manufacturing job growth in the last 30 years, it’s more important than ever to identify the right candidates for your manufacturing jobs. ...

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10 Emerging Aerospace Technology Trends You'll Want to Know About

The global space economy, which is estimated to surpass revenues of over $1 trillion by 2040, includes a range of activities involved in the researching, exploring, and ...

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5 Benefits of Being ISO 9001 Certified

The ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is an independent, non-governmental, international organization that develops standards to ensure the quality, safety, and ...

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Content Marketing: What Is It & Why Is It Important For Your Manufacturing Business?

Current world views, including the COVID-19 pandemic and rapid digitalization, have altered traditional business practices - including marketing. Consumer behavior has changed, ...

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Tips for Effective Succession Planning in the Manufacturing Industry

It’s essential to the success of your manufacturing organization that you plan for the future, both near and far out. One key aspect of this growth and continuous operation of ...

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Your Go-To-Guide to Identifying if Additive Manufacturing is Right for You

Additive Manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has gone from a futuristic novelty to a widely available technology. Even though additive manufacturing has been around since ...

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Why Should Your Manufacturing Business Leverage Content Marketing?

Although getting started on a methodical approach to content marketing is a process, the results when done well can lead to a new high-quality lead pipeline that fills itself. By ...

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Your Roadmap to Becoming a Premium Manufacturing Supplier

Owning and operating a top-quality manufacturing business comes with a multitude of challenges. To help outline points of improvement and give your business a roadmap to success, ...

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Metal Additive Manufacturing: What You Need to Know

Additive manufacturing has transformed the manufacturing industry since its commercial inception in the late 20th century. As additive processes continue to take the industry by ...

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ISO 9000 VS. 9001: What's the Difference?

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) informs thousands of industry leaders around the world about global standards for manufacturing processes, safety ...

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What Does Being ISO Certified Mean And Why Does it Matter?

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) informs thousands of industry leaders around the world about global standards for manufacturing processes, safety ...

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Top 8 Industries Benefiting from Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing (AM), or 3D printing, has evolved rapidly in recent years. As new industries have begun to embrace the technology, they are discovering the many ways in ...

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The Biggest Myths About Advanced Robotics in Manufacturing: Solved

Advanced robotics technology has come a long way from when the first robotics hit factory floors in the early 1960s. Today’s robots are more intelligent and versatile, and able to ...

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Ready or Not, Robotics in Manufacturing Is On the Rise

As industrial robots become faster, smarter, and cheaper, more and more companies are beginning to integrate this technology in conjunction with their workforce. This doesn’t mean ...

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How To Foster Business Growth Acceleration During COVID-19

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have permeated throughout nearly every sector in the global economy, leaving few industries unscathed. Manufacturing was hit hard since the ...

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The Importance of Traceability and Material Flow in Food and Beverage Supply Chains

Among the many lessons that manufacturers have learned throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for a resilient supply chain has proven to be one of the most important. This has ...

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Six Sigma Principles and Tools

Welcome to the third installment of our series on Lean and Six Sigma. As we saw in the first post, "What Are Lean & Six Sigma Methodologies?", Lean and Six Sigma are ...

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How Can Food Manufacturers Prepare For a Second COVID-19 Demand Surge?

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted most industries in the U.S., with food manufacturing being one of the hardest hit sectors. Besides shortages in raw materials, supply chain ...

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Lean Principles and Tools

Welcome to the second installment of our series on Lean and Six Sigma. As we saw in the first post, Lean and Six Sigma are complementary continuous improvement methodologies that ...

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2020 Made in California Gift Giving Guide

'Tis the season! Of course, along with all the merriment, there are some challenges. One of the most difficult of these challenges is answering the question: How do I find the ...

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Future Manufacturing Trends To Look Out For In 2021

The year 2020 has been an eventful one for every industry, especially the manufacturing sector. Progress with smart technology and other technological advancements have helped to ...

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What Are Lean & Six Sigma Methodologies?

CMTC is publishing a series of blogs on Lean and Six Sigma over the coming weeks. Today’s publication, "What Are Lean & Six Sigma Methodologies?" is the first of three ...

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Small To Medium-Sized Manufacturers: Can I Benefit From Automation In My Business?

Industrial robots have been in existence and commercially available for over 65 years. Factory automation, a more all-encompassing term, has been in existence in one form or ...

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Are the Days of the Standard Industrial Robot Numbered?

Absolutely not. Industrial robots do what they are designed to do extremely well. High speed, high repeatability, heavy payloads, and more. There are many reasons why industrial ...

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Latest Developments In Industrial Robotics: CoBots

One of the most significant developments of potential interest to small and medium-sized manufacturers in the area of industrial robots is the introduction about 10 years or so ...

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Manufacturing Automation and the COVID-19 Recession

The COVID-19 crisis has affected every industry, and manufacturing is no exception. As social distancing and mandated closures have sent the economy reeling, manufacturers have ...

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Training Within Industry (TWI) Part 3: Scientific Thinking Enables Innovation and Teamwork

Toyota Kata--a structured approach for creating a culture of continuous learning and improvement--had its beginnings in manufacturing. The word Toyota refers to the Japanese ...

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Training Within Industry (TWI) Part 2: Helping Supervisors Solve Workplace People Problems

The pressure on today’s workforce is considerable. COVID-19 has introduced new challenges. There are new rules about social distancing and personal protective equipment (PPE) ...

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Training Within Industry (TWI) Part 1: Practice Makes Perfect with On-the-Job Training

Even before COVID-19, manufacturers were facing challenges on several fronts relative to hiring and retaining a high-performing workforce. In addition to the easily observed ...

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Working Collaboratively to Gain Compliance: How 2 Key Cybersecurity Assumptions Are Impacting DoD Suppliers

It is estimated that there are around 300,000 companies in the Defense Industrial Base (“DIB”) across the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors. Roughly 99% of the DIB is ...

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Surviving and Driving Through the Crisis

How can employers protect their employees and workplaces while battling COVID-19? In order for manufacturers to develop a safety plan for their facilities, they must consider the ...

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Defense Suppliers: Self-Attestation, the False Claims Act, and You*

If you are part of the Department of Defense (DoD) supply chain, you likely have various Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) disclosures that you must attest ...

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How to Stimulate Manufacturing Growth After COVID-19

It seems like no part of the economy has been left untouched by COVID-19. Both essential and non-essential industries have felt the impact of the novel coronavirus and its ...

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Start With the (Cybersecurity) End in Mind

Cybersecurity is a complex topic no matter what industry vertical it is applied to. In order to reduce that complexity, it helps to frame cybersecurity in the context of the ...

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How Workplace Safety in Manufacturing is Changing Amid COVID-19

Workplace safety is at the top of everyone's mind right now. Manufacturing facilities have opened up (if they shut down at all) and companies need to make sure they are in full ...

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Teleworking Cybersecurity: How to Protect Your Company

For many small and medium-sized manufacturers the great teleworking experiment brought on by COVID-19 has been a painful one. The sudden shift to telework poses numerous ...

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How Star Wars Inspired the Future of Robotics in Manufacturing

In a galaxy far, far away… Well, how far exactly? The technological advancements in the Star Wars universe may seem to be the stuff of fantasy. While Death Stars, droid armies, ...

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Top Money Saving Advantages of 3D Printing

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Machine Vision Promises Nearly Flawless Quality Control

Robots are capable of incredible feats well beyond human abilities: Guinness World Records recognizes the Fanuc Corporation’s M-2000iA/2300 Super Heavy Payload Robot as the ...

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Food Manufacturing: How To Keep California Leading the Way

California is a food manufacturing powerhouse. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service, the Golden State has the highest number of food ...

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CES 2020 Roundup: A Focus on Robotics and AI

Photo Credit CES® A proving ground for established companies and startups, innovators and entrepreneurs, the annual four-day Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas was decked-out ...

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Anti-Harassment Training Deadline for Manufacturers Extended to 2021

* NOTE: This blog has been updated to reflect new laws going into effect in 2021. The Golden State began leading the way in workplace anti-harassment training in 2004, ...

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30 Manufacturing Conferences to Attend in 2020

Conferences are a great way for you and your team to network with others, demo exciting new technologies, learn about topics that interest you, and gain valuable insights from ...

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Six Ways to Grow Your Manufacturing Business [ebook]

Manufacturers in California account for nearly 11% of the total output in the state, employing almost 8% of the workforce. California is also the top exporting state in the ...

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Our Top 5 Manufacturing Blogs of 2019—Plus 5 Honorable Mentions

As the year draws to a close, we always like to take a look back on the events and people that made a difference in manufacturing throughout the past 12 months. We celebrate ...

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Exporting? Federal Assistance is Available for California Manufacturers

Last year, the United States exported $2.5 trillion—yes, trillion—dollars worth of goods and services to foreign countries. Our nation is the third-largest exporter in the world, ...

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Why It’s Important for Manufacturers to Keep Up with Technology

Technology is evolving at an astonishing pace, changing the way we live and the way we do business. Of course, it’s not just Silicon Valley tech companies that need to keep up ...

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Industry 4.0: Providing a Better Customer Experience

Industry 4.0, sometimes called the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Smart Manufacturing has blurred the lines between the physical and the digital worlds. It’s comprised of ...

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It’s National Manufacturing Day—and the Start of California Manufacturing Month!

Today, October 4th is Manufacturing Day, or MFG Day! That means manufacturers across California and the country will be opening their doors to students, educators, elected ...

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What Are Makerspaces and How Do They Benefit Manufacturers?

If you remember the woodworking, metalworking, and auto shop classes that used to be taught in high school, you already have an idea of what a makerspace is. Makerspaces, ...

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6 Ways to Improve Product Quality in Food Manufacturing

The food industry is evolving rapidly, with consumers demanding quality, authenticity, and transparency from food manufacturers. And they’re not just demanding it, they’re “voting ...

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Benefits of Machine Vision Technology for Food Manufacturers

The government and other organizations have put food manufacturers under a microscope in an effort to ensure they’re following food safety standards and complying with ...

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The Fourth Industrial Revolution is Now: Are You Ready? [eBook]

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is still in its early stages, but it has already begun to change the way we live and work. Its impact on society is going to be enormous, with ...

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Want To Grow Your Manufacturing Business? Listen To Your Customers!

Whether you’re a B2B or B2C manufacturer, your customers are the lifeblood of your business. While many small and medium-sized manufacturers often look inward for ways to improve ...

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The Benefits of Joining a Peer Council Group for California Manufacturers

Today’s small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) face many challenges—and many opportunities. And while there are a wealth of resources out there, sometimes it can still seem ...

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How Investing in Employees Pays Off

Small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) have begun to embrace the fourth industrial revolution, investing in new technologies such as advanced robotics, smart manufacturing, ...

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Benefits of Keeping Your Manufacturing Business in California

Manufacturing plays a key role within California, which is one of the most powerful economies in the world, leading a variety of industries, including technology, international ...

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Why Manufacturers Can’t Find Employees and How Manufacturing Day Helps For Recruitment

Manufacturing Day®, an initiative designed to inspire the next generation of manufacturers, arrives October 4, 2019. The annual MFG Day (which can be held anytime during the ...

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Manufacturing Day Arrives October 4: How to Host or Participate in an Event

Manufacturers across the country are preparing for Manufacturing Day® 2019, or MFG Day. Arriving October 4 this year, MFG Day is designed to inspire and recruit the next ...

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Additive Manufacturing’s Impact on Manufacturing: How 3D Printing is Changing the Modern Plant

Over the last decade, Additive Manufacturing (also known as 3D printing) has garnered many headlines—from the hype of consumer 3D printing to the substance of its impact on the ...

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How the SBDC is Helping California Manufacturers Grow

Every year, billions of dollars are made available to small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) courtesy of government organizations. These initiatives aim to help SMMs get off ...

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Blockchain: What It Is and How It Can Help Manufacturers

How do you know if your election vote is really counted? How do you know the person you’re chatting with online really is who they say they are? And how do you know if a product ...

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Social Media for Manufacturers: The Ultimate Guide [eBook]

It may seem hard to believe, but in terms of technology, social media is still just a baby. Connecting with others via online social sites gained momentum less than 20 years ago ...

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Social Media for Manufacturers: YouTube

When manufacturers think of social media, LinkedIn and Facebook are probably the first two that come to mind. As a video platform, they may feel YouTube is better suited to funny ...

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10 Manufacturing Blogs and Podcasts to Follow

Want to stay in the know when it comes to the manufacturing world? A wealth of information is just a mobile device away. There are countless manufacturing blogs to subscribe to ...

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Social Media for Manufacturers: LinkedIn

There are nearly 600 million users on LinkedIn, with two new users joining every second. This makes the social media giant one of the best ways to promote your company and ...

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Celebrating Women in Manufacturing

In honor of International Women’s Day, CMTC celebrates women in manufacturing! There’s a common misconception that the manufacturing industry is almost universally male-dominated. ...

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10 Effective Cost-Saving Tips for Manufacturers

When it comes to cost-saving techniques, many manufacturers instinctively look toward making cuts; this could mean anything from laying off employees to pulling back on new ...

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Social Media for Manufacturers: Instagram

Just when you’ve gotten used to Facebook and Twitter, along comes another social media site. You might be tempted to roll your eyes and think, not another one! But instead, think ...

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Get the Updated Guide to Human Resources [eBook]

In today’s workplace, the importance of human resources cannot be stressed enough. While advancements in manufacturing technology may be stealing headlines, issues involving ...

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Should I Hire a Consultant? Advantages and Considerations

The thought of hiring a consultant doesn’t always appeal to manufacturing leaders. It’s easy to think, why should I hire an outsider to come in and tell me how to run my business? ...

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How Modern-Day Apprenticeships Can Help Manufacturers Succeed

By now, you’ve probably heard the troubling statistics. IndustryWeek reports that nearly 25% of manufacturing employees are age 55 or older, and many will soon be leaving to enjoy ...

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Top 5 Topics of 2018—Plus 5 Honorable Mentions

As the year draws to a close, we always like to take a look back on the events and people that made a difference in manufacturing throughout the past 12 months. We celebrate ...

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Today's Top 6 Manufacturing Topics

The manufacturing industry has been making rapid advancements in recent years, paving the way for cutting-edge technologies. With each new innovation, manufacturing gets more ...

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Social Media for Manufacturers: Facebook

Is your company “liked”? The question may sound silly, but the reality is that companies making themselves available online and through social media are the ones most likely to ...

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MFG DAY 2018: A Win for California and the Country

The seventh annual Manufacturing Day was a resounding success in California! MFG DAY continues to draw more and more participants each year, and 2018 was no exception, with nearly ...

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Resources Available to Help Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturers

Help is out there, you just need to know where to look. Each year, billions in funding for research and development and workforce initiatives is available for small and ...

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The Importance of a Good Logistics Strategy in Manufacturing

In 2005, the Council of Logistics Management changed its name to the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals to add differentiation between logistics and supply chain ...

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Supply Chain Management and Logistics: What's the Difference?

Are supply chain management and logistics the 21st century’s answer to George Gershwin’s famous lyrics “to-mayto, to-mah-to”? Today, many manufacturers treat the words as one in ...

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Why Smart Manufacturing Is About More Than Just Technology

What is smart manufacturing? Essentially, smart manufacturing is the practice of making information about manufacturing processes available when and where it is needed, in the ...

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MFG Day 2018: 3 Ways to Get Involved

It’s just one month away! Manufacturing Day 2018 officially arrives on Friday, October 5. This annual celebration gives small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) the chance to ...

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5 Ways Manufacturers Can Successfully Onboard New Hires

Losing workers from the factory floor is never easy, especially for small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) where the output of every employee can be critical to maintaining ...

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The Role of Smart Sensors in Manufacturing

Sensors have played a role in manufacturing for years, but until recently they have been largely constrained by issues such as system noise, signal attenuation, and response ...

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How Virtual Reality is Changing the Manufacturing Game

It’s no longer just for gaming! Virtual Reality (VR), sometimes referred to as Augmented Reality (AR), is shaking things up across all industries, including manufacturing. While ...

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How Good Job Descriptions Help Manufacturers Attract Skilled Employees

When seeking out a new job, potential employees want to understand what will be expected of them and how they will be evaluated if brought onboard; on the other hand, employers ...

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Social Media for Manufacturers: Twitter

The tweet. These days, it seems that when you hear about Twitter it’s usually because a celebrity, politician, or even virtual nobody has posted an online faux-pas, resulting in a ...

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The Impact of Manufacturing Day—and How to Get Involved

Dark, dirty, dangerous. Unfortunately, this outdated perception of manufacturing persists to this day, and it can keep away new talent. By 2025, nearly 25 percent of the United ...

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The Drive Toward Digital Transformation in Manufacturing

While manufacturers have traditionally been hesitant to invest in their operations due to cost, a recent National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) survey of more than 500 ...

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Cybersecurity for Manufacturers: 8 Ways to Prevent Attacks

Many consider 2017 the "worst year ever” for data breaches and cyberattacks, largely due to the rise in ransomware. And IT experts predict it’s only going to get worse. According ...

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Why Manufacturers Should Stop Ignoring Social Media

Social media. Love it or hate it, there’s no denying its power. Today, nearly 210 million Americans engage in social media communities, from Facebook to LinkedIn, Twitter to ...

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How the Internet of Things is Transforming Manufacturing

From creating the first machine tools during the Industrial Revolution to welcoming robots onto factory floors in the early 1960’s, manufacturers can be quick to adopt new ...

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5 Ways California Manufacturers Can Embrace Diversity

The changing face of the American worker has manufacturers considering the importance of diversity. Today, California is the most diverse state within the contiguous United States ...

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ExporTech Helps Manufacturers Boost Sales by Entering Global Markets

Exporting is big business in California—$171.9 billion last year alone. The Golden State currently exports to nearly 230 foreign markets, with our neighbors Mexico and Canada ...

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How to Optimize Your Supply Chain—and Your Business

Supply chain management has long been used to reduce costs, improve efficiencies, and increase customer satisfaction. Today, many companies even believe that a lot of competition ...

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Safety First: 5 Manufacturing Hazards and 3 Solutions

Manufacturers are continuously working to improve safety within their facilities, and their efforts are paying off. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the number of ...

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How a Good Networking Strategy Can Grow Your Business

Hate professional networking? You’re not alone. Unless you’re the eternal extrovert, some people find the networking experience intimidating and phony; from the elevator pitches ...

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California Aims to Put an End to Workplace Harassment

California not only leads the country in manufacturing, it’s also setting the standard for workplace harassment avoidance and prevention training. The Golden State is one of just ...

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5 Ways California Manufacturers Can Prepare for a Natural Disaster

As Californians, we know that it’s not a matter of if, but when the next natural disaster will strike. Losses from the recent Northern California wildfires damaged or destroyed ...

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How to Make Manufacturing Day a Year-Round Event

It’ll be here before you know it—Manufacturing Day 2018 officially arrives on Friday, October 5, 2018. This annual celebration gives small and medium-sized manufacturers in ...

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Tax Reform Has Manufacturers Investing in Their Future

In an increasingly competitive marketplace, most manufacturers understand the importance of investing in their business. But, investing means spending money, something many ...

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Capturing Employee Tribal Knowledge—Before It’s Too Late

By 2025, nearly 25 percent of the United States population is expected to be 60 years of age or older. With this demographic preparing to exit the workforce and enter retirement, ...

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How to Give Effective Employee Reviews—and Motivate Without Money

The employee performance review. It’s an opportunity to congratulate workers on a job well done and celebrate their wins. It’s also a chance to provide constructive criticism and ...

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Why California Manufacturers Need to Adopt a Continuous Improvement Process to Survive

California’s manufacturing industry has traditionally been vibrant, with the state having the largest manufacturing output in the U.S. It is host to giant firms such as Apple, ...

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Setting the Stage for a Robust 2018 for California Manufacturers 

Bolstered by manufacturing wins in 2017, many California manufacturers are welcoming the new year as a chance to further improve their fortune while fostering growth that benefits ...

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Top 5 Manufacturing Trends of 2018 - Emerging Technologies

For manufacturers throughout California and across the country, the new year brings new challenges—and a wealth of new opportunities. But to take advantage of these opportunities, ...

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Our Top Manufacturing Stories of 2017

2017 had its share of ups and downs, challenges and opportunities. But for many manufacturers, it was another banner year. In California, the manufacturing sector continues to ...

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The Keys to Exporting Successfully as a Manufacturer in CA

The United States is the second largest exporter in the world, with exports reaching $1.42 trillion in 2016 and California contributing $163.6 billion in that same year. With ...

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3 Ways to Improve Your Cash Flow

Generally, the color red has positive undertones and is often associated with energy, passion or action; however, when it comes to the financial aspects of an organization, red is ...

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3 Steps to Lower Supply Chain Costs for Aerospace and Defense Manufacturers

The global aerospace and defense (A&D) industry grew by 2.4% and generated about $674 billion in 2016, according to a Deloitte 2017 study. California alone was responsible for ...

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An Integrated Approach for Growers, Food Manufacturers in Northern California

California is a leader in U.S. domestic agriculture. According to the 2015-2016 California Agricultural Statistics Review, the state bested Iowa, Texas, Nebraska, and Minnesota in ...

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How Factory Automation Can Help Beverage Manufacturing Enjoy Sweet Success

Today’s beverage manufacturers face many challenges: striving to meet the rapidly-changing demands of consumers and retailers, government regulations, efficiency, and expansion. ...

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Minimum Wage Laws for Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturers [Effective January]

California is home to nearly 7 million hourly workers, nearly one-third of which earn minimum wage. With the resulting implementation of Senate Bill No. 3 (SB3), which was signed ...

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Promoting Training to Revitalize California Manufacturing Jobs

The California manufacturing sector is showing signs for a huge revival—a fourth industrial revolution, if you will. Rapid technological changes are creating a fresh dynamic that ...

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4 Smart Energy Ideas for Manufacturers in California

Although manufacturing has long been considered an energy-intensive industry, this trend has begun to change. Between 2010-2014, U.S. manufacturing energy consumption is estimated ...

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The New Industrial Revolution: Advanced Robotic Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry in the U.S. is ripe for a new industrial revolution, and artificial intelligence and robotic automation are set to play a key role in that change. ...

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The Insider's Guide to Smart Manufacturing Trends in 2017

Smart manufacturing trends in 2017 indicate that a radical transformation in the manufacturing sector is taking place. In a report by global market research firm BCC Research, the ...

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5 Manufacturing Apps You Can Start Using Today to Cut Costs

Manufacturing’s role is changing and evolving in ways that make the traditional methods of creating products and services outdated. As manufacturing enters a dynamic new era, ...

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How Mobile Apps Can Create a Competitive Advantage in Manufacturing

Having a substantial competitive advantage in manufacturing is a goal that’s not easy to achieve, especially among thousands of aggressive rivals in the same industry. In an ...

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The Future of Energy Management in Manufacturing

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that the energy consumption of the U.S. manufacturing sector increased by 3.7% from 2010 to 2014. The increase seems ...

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Community Colleges: Training the Next Generation of Manufacturers

Training skilled workers is critical to strengthening the U.S. manufacturing sector, especially at a time when about 2 million manufacturing jobs are projected to remain unfilled, ...

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Don’t Get Left Behind, SMART Manufacturing is the Future for Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturers

What exactly is Smart Manufacturing? Over the past several years, the topic of SMART Manufacturing has been a conversation among industry experts, strategists and thought leaders. ...

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4 Must-Know Aerospace Supply Chain Management Issues

A Deloitte 2017 study on the global aerospace and defense (A&D) industry reveals that the industry grew by 2.4% and generated about $674 billion in 2016. While the growth was ...

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13 Manufacturing Apps for Your iPhone, iPad, Android

Back by popular demand! We published this blog on manufacturing apps just a little over a year ago. Since it has proven to be one of our most popular blogs of all time, we decided ...

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Are You Losing Money by not Implementing SMART Manufacturing?

We live in an era of smartphones, smart homes, smart watches, smart refrigerators, robots, self-driving cars, and the list goes on and on. Smart Manufacturing (SM) is a concept ...

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How to Create a Change Management Process That Actually Works

Change is a cycle in itself, and organizations go through various cycles throughout their lifetime. Whether it's automating processes, introducing specialized equipment, ...

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The 4 Quality Management Issues on Every Manufacturer's Mind

Quality management in manufacturing significantly contributes to a manufacturer's brand and bottom line. However, persistent challenges to quality management continue to trouble ...

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Manufacturing Day 2017: Educating the Next Generation of Workers

This year’s Manufacturing Day is designed to celebrate and inspire future manufacturers by opening doors and minds. In the past, stereotyping manufacturing as a "dirty job" has ...

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